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Saaxx Alien Halfbreed: A SciFi Romance (Human Female Abduction Book 6) Page 5

  We are eating our evening meal. I see my hands and although they are not as small as my mother’s, they are not as big as my father's either, so I know I’m not a child but I’m not a fully grown man. My consciousness is mine now as a thirty-one-year-old man but in the dream, I think I am a very young teenager, maybe thirteen or fourteen.

  I watch my mother eat and the love I feel for her overwhelms me. I turn to look at my father and the pride and respect I have for him swells in my chest, but I sense sadness about him. My mother senses it too and broaches the subject.

  “What is wrong my Gataro? I sense a great burden upon your shoulders tonight.”

  My father sighs heavily and looks up from his plate to meet her caring eyes. “It’s Ulsis! He’s found out there is a Human female amongst the Achilius clan in the next township.”

  My eyes fling open. What? Why were my parents saying the word Human? Was reality spilling over into my past? I’d completely forgotten what my home looked like until now, and now I could see it clearly in my mind’s eye, but my stomach knots. The blurry faces of my parents have gone again, disappeared.

  The creature is curled up by my side, its head on my chest. I peer down at its squished features and a small smile takes over my lips. It might be a weird-looking thing but it has all the endearing qualities of a loyal dog.

  I instinctively lift my hand to pet it and I’m surprised when my diminished strength allows me to. It’s a very weak and slow petting session but by the way the creature is starting to make a purring noise from its throat, it appears that both the creature and I have benefited from it.

  Just as my arm falls back down by my side the alien woman walks into the room and with her comes a distinctive smell. It instantly quickens my heart rate and I feel myself wanting to puff out my chest. But embarrassingly my cock takes notice of it too and begins to awaken again underneath the blanket.

  I screw up my eyes in dismay and hold my breath. If I don’t see or smell her my growing erection should disappear.

  “So he’s asleep is he Bupple? That’s good. I’m going to make him a bed on the floor close to my bed so I can keep an eye on him. His clothes are washed and drying, but it will be morning before he gets them.” I hear her moving about and the whooshing of material being shaken out. “Mimette is coming soon to buy some supplies, Bupple. I don’t want her to see my Human, but we usually sit at the table inside here with our drinks, so today I’m going to suggest we have them outside on the chairs there. Keep an eye on him for me Bupple when she gets here.”

  I feel the creature's head lift off me and squint to see if he’s moved, but he’s still by my side watching his mistress like a hawk. I begin watching her too. She has her back to me leaning over the bedding she is sorting out for me, her tight ass up in the air.

  My cock instantly stands to attention and all I can imagine is grabbing hold of her hips and taking her from behind. Then my imagination steps up a gear and I begin to conjure up images of what her pussy might look like—an alien pussy.

  I suddenly exhale and then gasp for air causing me to cough profusely, a nasty rasping noise, but because of my dry vocal cords, it sounds so much worse than it is. She spins around and is by my side in seconds, lifting my head and leaning it into her breasts again as she thumps onto my back.

  I go dizzy. I’m now face planting her tits and inhaling lungs full of her intoxicating aroma.

  “You must have a build-up of gumbo in your throat.” She reaches for the container that she fed me the liquid with before and my mouth clasps the thick straw end greedily between my lips and I suck. “That’s it. Drink as much as you can, clear your throat!”

  Another woman’s voice calls out somewhere outside. “Saaxxatee! Where are you?”

  “Shhh!” She lifts her finger to her lips to signal for me to be quiet, pulls the straw thing from my mouth, and places my head back down. She points to the creature. “Stay here Bupple!” Then she clambers to her feet and is gone.

  Saaxxatee. So that was her name. I strain my ears to hear their conversation.

  “There you are! I’ve already been down to the chigmut byre and helped myself to two.”

  “Hello, Mimette. Sit down! I thought we should take advantage of being outside before the sinno season begins. I’ll go and fetch us a drink.”

  “A very good idea, Saaxxatee. Where’s Bupple?”

  “Oh...he’s zonked out on my bed. He was up most of the night trying to catch a minkti that got in my dwelling. He wouldn’t rest until he’d caught it. Now he’s paying for his nocturnal adventure.”

  I hear the other woman laughing, believing every word that Saaxxatee tells her. Maybe Saaxxatee has a good character after all. I can hear her moving about getting the drinks she’d promised the other woman. Bupple lifts his head and looks in the direction the noise is coming from but he has no intention of moving. Then Saaxxatee is gone again, back outside.

  “Thank you. Here is my payment.”

  “Thanks, Mimette.”

  “So! What have you been up to since my last visit? How longs it been? Almost two cycs?”

  “Oh, you know me. My homestead here is my everything. I’ve started raising vinuls and fomics now. There are still in the incubation stage but once the winds have dissipated they will be ready to hatch. And of course, I’m doing all of the maintenance in preparation of the sinno season and the winds.”

  “So you’ve been as busy as usual my dear Saaxxatee, if not busier now that you have vinuls and fomics to also tend as well. You need to make sure you are getting plenty of rest. A lone female doing all of the work herself is still unheard of, even though you have been doing it for the last fifteen yanas. Even all the way up to my clan’s township.”

  “Actually, I wanted to ask you about something Mimette. As you are the only female I ever get to converse with and because you are older than me, I was wondering if you might recognise some symptoms I am experiencing at the moment.”

  “Of course my dear, Saaxxatee. I know you lost your mother when you were barely a nipseak so it must be difficult for you not to have that close female-to-female bond with anyone. What is ailing you at the moment?”

  I hear her sigh.

  “I’ve been feeling unusually weak. I’ve noticed I’m getting tired before my doons work is complete, and this began in unison with an unusual smell I’ve begun to emit.”

  I hear the woman audibly gasp. “You sound like you have begun your mating cycle Saaxxatee! The odour you’re secreting and releasing is the pheromone that notify males from milics around that you are in season—ready to find a mate.”

  Saaxxatee’s voice is shrill with panic. “No!” I don’t want to be mated. How do I make it stop?”

  “I’m afraid it won’t stop my dear. Not until you have chosen a mate and you have consummated your union. Only then will the pheromones diminish.”

  Saaxxatee cries out and the creature, Bupple flies to its feet and rushes out to find her.

  “Oh look! Your cry of anguish has roused my favourite little trixinor. Hello Bupple... Maybe it’s for the best Saaxxatee. This place is so big it needs more than one set of hands to keep it maintained, and you have been here alone since you were barely a nipseak. I wished I’d have insisted you come to stay with me when you were younger.”

  “You are so kind Mimette, but you know I probably wouldn’t have accepted. As for a mate, I am too set in my ways now and I love my life just the way it is. I don’t want a male and if any come around here sniffing after me they’ll find a female ready to fight, not make love!”

  The woman bursts out laughing and the corners of my mouth turn up too. So the kissing of my cock to make it better wasn’t an act. She is as naive as she appears. Now I know about the pheromones that also makes sense as to why I feel like I’m a rampant teenager again, getting a hard-on every two minutes. These pheromones must be strong enough for all species to detect them—Humans too!

  I make my mind up. I’m going to get back to my best physical
health and help Saaxxatee with all the jobs that need doing before these winds that they are talking about begin. I just pray to God that my mental health stays strong while I’m here, I don’t want to inflict one of my breakdown episodes on Saaxxatee. Christ knows what she’ll do if she experiences one of them with me.

  They continue to discuss the business of others. I zone out and begin to contract and release my muscles, starting with my fingers and toes. If I’m going to do my bit to help before the winds that keep getting mentioned come, I need to get my strength back sooner rather than later.


  I’M STILL A LITTLE in shock when Mimette finally leaves. I’d had a suspicion the changes I’d been experiencing might have been something to do with mating but I am so much older than the full-bloodied females are when they begin to experience mating pheromones and not being a full blood Kimanka species myself, I just presumed I wouldn’t be affected and it would pass me by.

  But the realisation that this smell will be with me forever is like a punch to the gut, because there is not a chance in damnation that I will ever be tied to one of those bigoted males from my clan, who are typical males of this misogynistic planet—and galaxy.

  I’m almost regretting buying the Human from the sooq too. But when Bupple pushes past me to go over to him and lick his face, my opinion relents a little. I suppose I can’t tar all males with the same brush, just like I shouldn’t expect all males to presume that all I want from life is to be mated to someone just so that I can start breeding.

  Standing by the Human’s head I look down at him. He’s asleep again, still naked and covered by the blanket. I suddenly remember I hadn’t cleaned up the liquid that had leaked from his taja when I hurt him there.

  Going back outside to grab a cloth I survey the sky. It’s darkened a lot quicker than it usually does so I think a storm is brewing. My heart sinks. Bupple hates loud noises so if there is thunder I’m in for a song and dance with him tonight.

  I grab the Human’s clothes too. They’re still not dry but they’ll be even wetter if the storm brings sky liquid with it.

  Inside, I lock the door and head over to the Human. As I kneel beside him I’m secretly excited by the prospect of seeing his taja again. Weird I know, but I feel like a nip with a new toy, it’s the first one I’ve ever seen and it might be the last too. I just want to see it again while I have a chance.

  I lift up the blanket and a gasp escapes my mouth. It’s so weird to look at but I could admire it for hincs. I quickly wipe away the half-dried liquid and restore the blanket. I need to get him over to the make-shift bed I’ve made for him otherwise when he recovers; he’s going to be stiff and good for nothing after lying for hincs on this hard surface if I leave him where he is.

  He’s a large male, but I’m not the typical puny female so I’m able to pull him across the floor by the tarpaulin sheet he’d already been lying on from my dray, the one I’d used to drag him into the dwelling with.

  When he’s close enough to the wadding I’m using for his mattress, I switch sides and then roll him onto it. But at the end of exertion, I’m quite surprised when I’m gasping for breath.

  Oh no, is this the way I’m going to be from now on with these damn pheromones? A weakling female?

  The Human’s eyes open and he manages to turn his head to face me and lift his finger to point to his lips, making a low growl to communicate.

  “You’re thirsty? You want a drink?”

  Elated that he can already move an arm, I jump to my feet and fetch some fresh hydration liquid in a sucking canister. He clamps his lips around the sprout and sucks without stopping, a marked improvement in his strength from the last time he had some. When he’s finished it all he gives me a faint smile and a dip of his head in appreciation and my heart flutters.

  “You probably think you need some more of that gumbo too, but believe me, the small amount I gave you earlier will be more than enough until the morning. The two ingredients combined are a very potent mix, and it’s only ever eaten like that by the males of my clan when they need to bulk up before flogging season, the season when the wild ewits are captured.” I look down at him studying me while I talk. For all he knows I could be telling him I’m fattening him up ready to feed him to the livestock. How trusting he is of me. “It’s time to get to sleep. I have to be up earlier than usual tomorrow. With all that’s gone on with you today, I’ve got even further behind with my chores. I’m sorry, but when you have gotten your strength back I’m going to be working you from dawn till dusk for a good wid solid.”

  I don’t know whether it’s my facial expression but he seems to understand what I say and he closes his eyes and tries to pull the blanket up over him. I grab it and pull it up so that it drapes over his shoulders to keep him warm throughout the night and then I grab the additional blanket I got for him, shake it out and place it on top of the first one.

  Getting to my feet I look down at him. At the moment he looks so big and helpless but in a doon or two, he will strong enough to help out.

  Strong enough to overpower me if he wanted to as well.

  Why hadn’t I thought of that before? A lone female with a male I barely know. How could I be sure he wouldn’t try to overpower me—kill me even to escape? I watch his face as he sleeps. For some unknown reason I trust him, I don’t know why, but I do. Besides, Bupple trusts him too. Normally he hates most males, can sniff out the bad ones immediately, but he’d instantly taken to the Human...that was good enough for me.

  I walk over to the door ready to go out for my evening shimmer just as a clap of thunder booms outside and the first of the sky liquid begins to fall. I look back to check on Bupple but he’s snuggled down leaning on the Human. Strange. He’s normally running circles if there’s thunder.

  Having an outside shimmer has the advantage of viewing my property while I wash, but on nights like this and in the sinno season, it is a huge problem. I turn around and head back over to the foot of my bed. I could have a wash down but The Human might wake up and see me. I’ll just have to miss my shimmer tonight and get up really early in the morning for one.

  Suddenly very tired I look down to make sure the male can’t see me then I slip out of my clothes and climb into bed. I’m so hot. Is the storm starting to make it clammy in here? I lean over my bed to check on Bupple one final time, but he’s sound asleep curled up in his new sleeping place. Smiling I fall onto my back and drift off to sleep.

  Normally dead to the world I sleep throughout the night dream-free, but tonight is an exception to the rule. It’s just so hot and humid and the sky liquid is so loud outside that I begin to toss and turn not long after settling down, and knowing I have a male in the room is not helping either. Images of his taja keep invading my thoughts.

  I turn from my side onto my back with my arms above my head holding my breath and listening for the male’s breathing. It comes out deep and even, but is not the breathing of someone asleep, it’s far too quick.

  Is he listening to me listening to him? My heart skips a beat. And then I hear him do a large intake of breath through his nose as if he’s smelling the air. I turn my face to my armpit and smell them myself. The smell is there again. I quickly drop them down to my sides.

  What is he thinking? Are my pheromones affecting him too? My head is positioned further up the bed than his position on the floor so unless he tilts his head back he won’t see me if I take a quick peek at him. I edge over to the side of my bed as quietly as possible and peer over.

  My mouth drops open but I’m careful not to gasp at what I see. He has turned onto his back and the blankets down by his taja are raised in a peak. His taja has swollen hard again. I bite my bottom lip worried. It’s because of me! It’s my smell causing his taja to swell but there’s nothing he can do about it except lie there all night and smell me. Poor male, I’m torturing him.

  He pulls the blanket off himself and grabs hold of his taja and then begins to move his hand up and down the length of t
he shaft like I’d done when I’d washed him with the cloth. It must be physically demanding in his weakened state but he is relentless and continues the strange motion with his hand.

  The sight of him doing it is starting to arouse something inside me and I can feel that same wetness starting to gather between my legs again. My hand trails down my abdomen and explores my cooch. I feel slickness. I rub it between my fingers. What is this moistness? I bring my fingers up to my face and try to examine the moisture properly this time, but it’s too dark to see what colour the wetness is so I smell my fingers instead as I peer over the bed watching the Human male pulling on his taja.

  I’m overcome with a need to rub my own cooch as I watch him, so still holding my fingers by my nose I lower my other hand down between my legs and begin the explore the folds and holes below.

  My heartbeat is picking up pace the more I rub on a particular part of my cooch and I’m getting even wetter than I did earlier. I have an overwhelming desire to lie with the male and kiss him and touch him all over. I imagine my hand on his taja and his hand on my cooch as I rub myself, beginning to see stars. What is happening to me?

  Without warning my body convulses from my cooch outwards, and waves of the most wonderful feeling I have ever experienced take hold of my whole body. I moan with pleasure, unable to stop myself, but as soon as it leaves my lips I clamp my hand over my mouth, just as the last tremble ripples out from my cooch. I slowly lean over to see if the male has heard me and I’m shocked when his head is angled right back looking up to me, just as he lets out the same strangled groan, as his hand slows down on his taja.

  I’m even more shocked when the same liquid squirts out of the head of his taja again through the hole in the slit.

  I roll away from the edge with my mouth gaping open as reality hits me. That’s not blood—it's a male excretion fluid. Like the excretion fluid that was flowing readily from my cooch in my sexually excited state. And I licked the fluid! I remember now the panicked look in his eyes. He knew what it was but he had no way of stopping me.