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  • Saaxx Alien Halfbreed: A SciFi Romance (Human Female Abduction Book 6) Page 3

Saaxx Alien Halfbreed: A SciFi Romance (Human Female Abduction Book 6) Read online

Page 3

  “Of course my dear, but I wouldn’t stay too long smelling like that!”

  I cringe at his words and pull my scarf up over my head. It won’t stop my stench but it will hide my shame. “Stay Bupple! I won’t be long.” He hunkers down at my command and I pat him and then turn to face the throng of people.

  Spying something that I need on the opposite stall I walk over to it and smile relieved when I see that I’ll be able to buy the majority of the essentials on my list from here. All I need to source now is balm and the quicker I get out of here the better.

  Paying the stallholder, I scan the other stalls. There’s got to be some here somewhere. A feral noise and then laughter from a gathering of punters around the Taraquets draws my attention. It’s the perfect distraction to walk through the crowd unnoticed so that I can quickly make my final purchase and be on my way. But when I glance between the bodies crowding around the Taraquets, I stop abruptly. The male they are selling takes my breath away. Although I can’t be sure, I swear he’s Human. But I know that’s impossible. No one would be selling a Human here. For some reason the people of my clan don’t take kindly to Humans.

  Whatever species he is he’s a filthy wretch, hunkered down miserably on his knees and forearms. It’s hard to tell if he’s mentally incapacitated as Niddoo suggested, but by the looks of him, he’s been treated worse than the wild creatures captured trying to take livestock from byres.

  My mind tells me to ignore the wretch and walk right past, but my heart pulls my limbs towards him with invisible twine. Maybe I could buy him to help out with the manual tasks around my lands until my ailment disappears—all the tasks I’ve been struggling with. He could work off the credos that I pay for him and buy back his freedom. A wid of rest and plenty of sustenance to bulk him up would heal his physical ailments no problem. But what if he did have mental issues as Niddoo suggested? Would I be able to deal with those? I make my mind up and slip through the crowd towards him. I daren’t ask the Taraquets if he’s a Human, I don’t want to draw any more attention to me than necessary.

  The words leave my mouth before my brain catches up with what I‘m doing. “I’ll give you three-million for him.”

  The Taraquet is quick with his reply. “Four and he’s yours.”

  I hesitate and draw in a slow deep breath shaking my head. As much as I’d like to help him out as a means to my own ends, that price would almost wipe me out financially. “I can’t go that high, I would use all of my spare credos.”

  Two males who I hadn’t noticed take a step towards me. “You must be joking female. Why would you even contemplate wasting a single credo on that useless male, especially being a worthless Human?” I bristle, My presumption confirmed and my hatred rising. Being a halfbreed and only half Kimanka, I can feel my contempt for them and their prejudice radiating out of my eyes.

  His companion addresses me. “Come and be my mate, you’ll not need to worry about credos then!”

  I don’t worry about drawing any unnecessary attention after that derogitory suggestion and stand straight and tall. Turning to face them properly my body radiates aggression. “I wouldn’t look your way if you were the last male left on this planet.” I turn back to the Taraquets, more determined than ever to buy the Human male. “I’ll give you three and a half and no more and you will help load him onto my dray!”

  “You’ll be sorry for that reply. Let’s see how brave your words are the next time we meet!”

  I turn to face the males again and glower at them, running my eyes over them in repulsion, then I turn my back on them both, dismissing them. I hear them stride away, and cries of annoyance as they barge through the crowd.

  I get my sack from off my back and look for the bag of credos I’ve just been paid by Niddoo and begin taking out the right amount of credos to bring the sum to the correct total. Throwing the spare credos back into my sack I leave the remainder in the bag and hand the payment over to the Taraquet.

  “It’s all there.”

  The Taraquet sneers. “I’ll just double-check.”

  I sigh. I want to be out of here. I’ve never felt comfortable around these people. “At least get your minions to load him up onto my dray while you’re counting!”

  The Taraquet looks down at the male and makes a sound of disgust in his throat. But I’m the one who should be making that noise not him. Does he realise how much I’ve wanted to vomit whilst being in his odious presence, but at least his stench has masked mine for a while.

  He pulls out a freeze ball and the light immediately consumes the male and lifts him off the ground. I spin on my heels and march towards my dray just meriks away, pointing to where I want him. Once the male is placed down on the dray, the Taraquet releases him from the holding light and the male’s eyes glaze over. I lean down over him to check he’s alright and stare into two black pools. Our eyes lock onto each other for just a few nodes before he passes out.



  A jolt wakes me and I open my eyes to see the same teal coloured sky filled with puffs of baby pink clouds. It’s like I’ve been transported to the land of Oz! I hear sniffing by my left ear and I turn my head, only to be startled when I see some type of strange creature is staring down at me. It acts like a dog but that’s where the association ends because there is nothing in its appearance that hints canine.

  It has eight legs tipped with translucent claws. A body full of long pale blue spines flecked with silver that are for now harmless and lying flat, and a face that looks like it has been hit by a baseball bat and squashed. The flat face is surrounded by a halo of smaller spines like a lion’s mane. Hideous - yet cute.

  It’s excruciating but I raise my head and look over to the back of the woman driving the cart who I presume is the violet-eyed woman. She has her scarf up so I can only appraise the back of her body but she has a womanly Human shape—a small waist and wide hips, and when I catch sight of her bare arm I almost gasp when I’m reminded of her skin colour. It’s the stereotypical green colour which most people on Earth considered to be the norm for extra-terrestrials, and I must admit I was guilty of that same prejudice, that was until I’d seen the rat-faced aliens. Now I know it’s the biggest fallacy known to man, and I wonder how many other alien species could also be out there.

  The act of lifting my head is exhausting and it falls back down onto the cart feeling like it weighs a ton. The creature now sits and continues to watch me with curiosity. I watch it with equal intrigue through half-closed eyes fighting the sleep that’s threatening to once again claim me, and just as the sleep wins the battle, I see two long blue tongues head towards my face and lick me from my chin stubble up to my hairline. I fall asleep reminded of how dry my own tongue is and how painful it is to swallow.

  THIS TIME WHEN I AWAKE, I’m greeted by those same luminous violet eyes scrutinising every pore on my face. They widen slightly in alarm when their owner realises I’ve come to, and I swear her enormous pupils swirl with flecks of gold in them.

  She cocks her head. “I don’t think you can understand me because you don’t have an implant fitted.” She sighs and shakes her head and brings a hand up to cover her beautiful eyes in despair. “Why in damnation didn’t I ask about an implant when I purchased you?” She removes her hand and focuses her attention back on me. “Anyway, we’ll just have to figure that out later... You could really do with some balm to heal your body quickly but I don’t have any and I didn’t have enough credos at the sooq to buy any after I bought you so we’ll just have to get you well and fit the old fashioned way, with rest and sustenance. I just hope you realise my purchase of you will benefit both of us. You help me around this place for a few cycs and you can work off what I paid for you and you will gain your freedom back.”

  The creature that licked me before I passed out, comes bounding into the room we’re in, all of its eight legs a blur of movement as it heads straight over to me, and once again claims my face with its tongues, but I’m too weak to even tu
rn my head away, so all I can do is close my eyes. This time I notice tiny hooks on its tongues just like cats have, and they pull on my stubble.

  I find the woman’s voice soothing. “Bupple, do you like him? Is he to be trusted?” The creature makes a clicking sound in the back of its throat and this makes the woman laugh. “Let’s get the male a drink and make us all something to eat before we complete the last of the doon’s work.”

  My heart soars in anticipation of my insatiable thirst finally being quenched. I hear the woman walk away and return moments later, then my head is lifted and something twice the size of a straw is placed in my mouth. I try to suck but even that is too much effort. The woman picks up on my struggle and a small amount of liquid is poured into my mouth. I swallow and instantly grimace. It’s like having a thousand tiny daggers stab my throat simultaneously, but the woman persists and pours some more. The second swallow is equally as painful but we continue with the routine until she is satisfied I’ve had enough. She places my head back down and I try to push the remaining droplets of water left in my mouth around with my tongue. The small physical act of swallowing has zapped me of all strength and I instantly fall asleep.

  A smell reminiscent of pot roast wakes me from my slumber and my stomach growls angrily, suddenly realising it shouldn’t be this empty. I feel invigorated by the small amount of fluid that was fed to me, still extremely weak, but a surge of newfound life flows readily through my body.

  I open my eyes and I’m surprised at how fresh they feel. There is no hazy vision, no bleariness and I turn them eagerly towards the source of the smell. The woman is standing over a large pot stirring while humming and swaying her hips to her own tune. My eyes quickly take in every curve, scared in case my vision resorts to its earlier inconsistencies I want to take her all in while I can.

  I’m surprised when I notice my cock beginning to stir and feel the corners of my mouth twisting up. Typical. The first part of my anatomy to show any life is that.

  The spikey creature realises I’m awake and makes that same clicking noise in its throat. The woman spins around with a spoon in her hand, her eyes wide and her mouth open. I still have my stupid grin on my face but it’s soon replaced by a look of astonishment as I’m able to see the woman properly for the first time.

  She has the same upturned crescent-shaped bone on her head as the humanoids I’d seen at the marketplace but hers is a little smaller. But the same sized tendrils hang either side of her face. Her stunning almond-shaped violet eyes dominate her delicate features but her mouth is equally as impressive. Small but full, her red lips are a warning colour against her green complexion—a warning colour to remind me to try and stay away from their appealing kissable shape. I haven’t been with a woman since leaving the corps and as well as now, I can count on one hand how many times my cock has stirred with interest in the opposite sex since then.

  My eyes drop to her chest and I’m pleasantly surprised by what I see. Her breasts are the same shape and size as a Human woman and her strange strapped bodice betrays the fact that they are topped with nipples. My cock thickens even more and I desperately want to cover it up because I can now feel it straining against my pants, however my hands are paralysed to my sides still too weak to move.

  I will my eyelids to fall and take the desirable image away from me but the damn things stay open, and worse, my eyes betray me further by dropping down over her body drinking it all in.

  Her waist is even smaller than I first judged and her hips slope out from it in perfect unison. But it’s the whiff of something other than the food cooking that catches my attention and it diverts the remaining blood needed to my semi-hard cock, thickening it to full capacity. That’s when my lids close.

  “What in damnation! His fucking taja has grown thick Bupples. What do I do?” This time I don’t let my internal smile reach my lips. I feign sleep and will the blood to leave my cock. I can hear the woman walking backward and forwards breathing heavily. Fuck! Is she hyperventilating? I daren’t sneak a peek. “I never thought about that thing, Bupples. What if he tries something with me?” The creature makes a fast clicking noise. “Yes, I know you would protect me, Bupples.”

  All is once again quiet and I force myself to think about the rat-faced aliens to help lose my hard-on. I also think about what the alien woman had said earlier. She wants me to work here with her until I pay her back in labour what she paid to buy me. I suppose that’s a fair deal. After all, she did get me away from the rat-faced aliens and it looks like she’s also willing to nurse me back to health too. Maybe she will help me get back to Earth when I’ve finished here. The only thing is, do I come clean about being able to understand her? Or do I go with what my military training tells me to do and keep schtum about it—plead ignorance?

  My head is once again being lifted and I flicker my eyelids open as if I’m disturbed from sleep. It’s placed onto something warm and soft and I realise the woman has placed my head onto her legs. I’m unable to look up to her face or see her body this time but that’s just as well. There’s nothing worse than getting a boner when you can’t conceal it.

  A utensil touches my lips and I automatically open my mouth letting her spoon in the warm delicious smelling food. I let it sit on my dry tongue and then I bask in the juices of the thick soup-like substance. It tastes like some type of meaty broth mixed with a root vegetable. It’s delicious but my mind conjures up all types of images of what I might be eating, and by the looks of the creatures they keep as pets, God only knows what types of strange-looking creatures they consume. Maybe I’m eating the same type of creature that stamped on my face in the cage on the spaceship.

  I watch the pet creature climb up over my lower legs, wriggle around getting comfortable, before purring like a cat.

  The woman laughs and the joyous sound of her sing-song soothing vocal tones plunges me straight into another flashback memory.

  I’m with the men from the clan in my village again, only this time we’re skulking up to a different clan. Below us, children run around laughing as they chase each other, but we’re not here for all of the clan’s people, we are here for one in particular. I look to my right and see the leader again. He’s hesitating, but a male to his right is glowering at him, urging him on.

  Begrudgingly he gives the command and the males rise to full height and run down towards the village, shouting for them to hand someone over. The children run away screaming!

  My arms start flying about and I try to scream out but it comes out in gurgles. I feel every emotion as if I’m there myself. Fear, anger, desperation! The broth gets knocked from the woman’s hands and she screams out too but doesn’t panic. Instead, she curls her arms around me, tucking my head into her breast, and begins to murmur soothing words into my ear. I can hear the pet-creature running around in circles making clicking noises unsure what to do, but I’m not worried about it because all my attention has now gone to the soft hands stroking my face and the even softer breast cocooning it.

  “Shshshshsh! It’s okay, you’re safe now. You are no longer a prisoner of the Taraquets! I’m here for you. Shshshsh!”

  I let her rock me against her breast, languishing in how good it feels to be there. Something tells me my recovery is going to take longer than it needs to.


  WHEN I TURNED AROUND to check on the Human while making him some gumbo and saw his taja big and swollen, I was shocked. Not only shocked that he could get it that hard in the weak and sickly state he was in, but shocked because his eyes were as clear as running liquid, there was no hazy mist glazing them over and so I was clearly the instigator of it.

  But when he instantly passed out, I had to take stock of myself. My body had been overtaken with desire. Where in damnation had it come from? I’ve never felt the cravings of desire before, but suddenly it was as if my body had been possessed by a Diaros female, the whores of the Prumiqion Galaxy. My cooch pulsated as if it was on fire and my breathing sounded like I’d run laps
around the whole of my property. I’d had to talk myself down from the shock of it to Bupple, blaming my whole irrational reaction on his engorged taja, even though the sight of it had stirred feelings inside me I never knew existed.

  Now, after his panic attack, I’m purposefully shoving my mambas into his head. Why? I have no idea. Am I expecting him to turn his face to them and begin to suckle? What is wrong with me?

  I place his head down. I need to stop touching him like that. There’s something sexual about it and I don’t want to give him the wrong impression. Or add fuel to my quivering cooch.

  Bupple has already started to lick the spillage off the floor. “You just rest for a moment! I’ll clean this up and get you some more.” I notice his clothes are covered too. I’m going to have to strip him and wash the clothes and him after he’s eaten.I knew it was coming and even though he’s filthy and stinks, I was hoping to prolong the need to keep him in them until he was strong enough to undress and wash himself. “Your clothes are covered in gumbo too. They’re filthy anyway so once you’ve eaten, I’ll have to clean them...and you too!”

  I walk over to the pot of pijjit and parnif gumbo, and with my back to him and my eyes closed, I take a long deep breath to calm myself down. How am I going to manage to do that?

  Refilling another bowl I walk over to where he’s lying on the floor and place the bowl down. I reach for the head comforter from off my bed and then lift his head and place it down onto that instead of into my lap. His eyes never leave me and I feel the heat that normally only plagues me at night rise up into my face. I feel like one of the stupid females I see acting all coy around the males at the sooq. I grit my teeth and try and bring my inner strength and strong character back up to the surface.

  I scoop some gumbo onto the spoon and lift it to his mouth. His pink lips part and I watch his tongue stick out slightly to receive my offering. My mind suddenly flashes an image of his tongue licking the tip of my mamba and I shudder. His eyes go from the spoon to mine and I’m lost in the blackness of them. If I didn’t find my own species appealing why was he so suddenly desirable? A Human?